
Software Engineers

Why is stress good for developers?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGSy1C2Nsew Description Video Description: Stress can save your bacon! But it can fry it too!!!  ❱❱❱ Book your free discovery call here: https://scottbechtelhypnotist.com/stress-and-anxiety-busting/ ❰❰❰  ✅ Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ScottBechtel/✅ Website: https://MindArchitecting.com✅ Website: https://ScottBechtelHypnotist.com Keywords For This Video: Fight or flight, over stressed, programmers, hypnosis, stress, anxiety, worry, doubt, calm, ease,…

Programmers how does anxiety affect you?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VP9rT4AUemE Description Video Description: Does stand up or code reviews put you into a Panic Attack? Does committing your code scare you? Are you suffering from Anxiety? Let’s chat about it.  ❱❱❱ Book your FREE discovery call here: https://scottbechtelhypnotist.com/stress-and-anxiety-busting ❰❰❰  ✅ Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ScottBechtel/✅ Website: https://MindArchitecting.com✅ Website: https://ScottBechtelHypnotist.com…

IT Engineers, you will burn out!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VXLfMWFwpA Description Video Description: At some point you will BURN OUT. I’m here to help you bounce back to your Peek Performance.  ❱❱❱ Book your free discovery call here: https://scottbechtelhypnotist.com/stress-and-anxiety-busting/ ❰❰❰ ✅ Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ScottBechtel/✅ Website: https://MindArchitecting.com✅ Website: https://ScottBechtelHypnotist.com Keywords For This Video: Peek Performance, Burn Out, Stressed Out, hypnosis,…

I.T. super stressed out from never ending project deadlines?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDB3pMkZqh4 Description Video Description: I.T. super stressed out from never ending project deadlines? Imagine finding your calm in any meeting about any topic. What would be available to you in that space of calm and ease? ❱❱❱ Book your free discovery call here: https://scottbechtelhypnotist.com/stress-and-anxiety-busting/ ❰❰❰ ✅ Follow me on Facebook:…

From stressed out looping thoughts to ease and calm in the moment

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2XdOp2ExAw Description Video Description: From stressed out looping thoughts to ease and calm in the moment. ❱❱❱ Book your free discovery call here: https://scottbechtelhypnotist.com/stress-and-anxiety-busting/ ❰❰❰ ✅ Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ScottBechtel/ ✅ Website: https://MindArchitecting.com ✅ Website: https://ScottBechtelHypnotist.com Keywords For This Video: stressed out, stress, stressed out behind the scenes, stressed…