I was thinking about going to bed and suddenly an alarming siren caught my ear. I’ve lived in Nebraska, Wisconsin, and Minnesota where tornadoes are common. I know that siren well! But I’m in Nashville, Music City, and that was not a sweet tune flowing through the air. While less common, Nashville can have tornadoes too. I quickly looked up the weather warning online and found that it was a tornado warning for 30 mins. “Ya right…” was my thought and response. (After looking outside.)
So I stayed up and monitored the weather letting my wife sleep. I knew that if it got stormy I couldn’t sleep. The storm got worse and I monitored. It wasn’t in my direct area. We were safe.
But Nashville wasn’t safe. The tornado hit Downtown as an F3 if I understand correctly and took off East reaching an F4 in places.
When all is said and done, as of this writing 24 people, of many ages, have died.
I’m not able to do much, but I know the mental pain I went through when I lost everything in a fire, what it was like to have lightning hitting trees all around me, and what it’s been like to be in and then see the after affects of tornadoes in the towns I’ve lived in. This is my way of helping. If I can short-circuit those fears for others, and bring some peace and relaxation then I’ve got to try.
If this program helps you, please let me know and pass it on to others.
Peace to you,
Scott Bechtel